Venue: Central Elétrica (CACE Cultural do Porto, Rua do Freixo, 1071, Porto)
How to get there: Metro: Campanhã; STCP: 205 e 400 (paragem EDP)
Free parking available. Food and drinks available.
More info:
SUPPORTS: Criatório / CMP Porto, Programa Iberescena, Garantir Cultura
Curatorship 21 Volts: Pedro Vilela with André Braga, Cláudia Figueiredo e Ana Carvalhosa
Production direction: Ana Carvalhosa
Executive production: Cláudia Santos, Susana Lage
Technical coordination and set up: Pedro Coutinho
Technical support: Vitor Costa
Graphic art: Thiago Liberdade
Audiovisual recording: Thiago Liberdade and Inês Costa