16 & 17 December
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Central Elétrica do Freixo
“When you get to the bottom of anything it’s a dance.” Kung Fu has always been considered the martial art of dancing warriors. Several dance, theatre and performance artists consider that Kung Fu reinforces their root and centre for performance, thinking about the unique, fluid and spiral aesthetic for their personal and professional development. The workshop, presented by Guilherme da Luz over two days, proposes going through the full spectrum of Kung Fu, focusing on where there is greater receptivity.
Guilherme da Luz started on the path of Kung-Fu as a recorder of an art/practice that came from a past before him. Going through several experiences of Chinese and Persian Kung-fu, he realized that he wanted to live a Kung-fu in which the Human Being is placed at the centre and everything else, schools, theories, and philosophies exist for people and not the Otherwise, call this method Lotus Flower.