Graça Ochoa
24 January, 10:00 am | [School session] Teatro Stephens, Marinha Grande
25 January, 05:00 pm | Teatro Stephens, Marinha Grande
Sopa de Jerimu is a solo performance for a woman and several pumpkins…well, then it’s not a solo! There is the hubbard squash, the summer squash, the fig leaf squash, the butternut squash, the gourd, all different and all pumpkins. In her kitchen, this woman lives with pumpkins, listens to their secrets, immerses in herself, discovering things she didn’t know.
Artistic Info
Creation and Interpretation: Graça Ochoa
Creation assistance: Alberto Carvalhal, Gilberto Oliveira, Margarida Chambel, André Braga and Cláudia Figueiredo
Texts and dramaturgy assistance: Regina Guimarães
Sound modelling: Carlos Adolfo
Light: Francisco Tavares Teles
Sound and light operation: Vitor Costa
Set: Nuno Guedes and Nuno Brandão
Production: Ana Carvalhosa (direction) and Cláudia Santos
Special thanks: Norman Taylor, Tiago Porteiro and Teatro do Frio
2013 | 50 minutes | over 3 years-old