Trupe Fandanga
20, 21 & 22 march | Teatro Municipal do Porto – Campo Alegre [PREMIERE]
6 april | Curto-Circuito – Ciclo Mais Jovens, Central Elétrica, Porto
7 april | [Sessão para escolas] EB1 Lagarteiro, Porto
24 may | Mar-Marionetas, Espinho
5 july| Festa dos Pombais, Vimioso
31 august | Festival Cem Portas, Coimbra
21 september | Teatro Regional da Serra de Montemuro, Castro Daire
“Os Lobos de Pedra” is a boy’s journey into his heart, the place where a pack of wolves lives. Sometimes all is smooth sailing, sometimes battles ensue. Using puppets and a mobile scenic device, we propose a demystifying and interrogative look at the wolf’s character, an intertwined mix of wild and terrible, with a fair and loyal side that is natural to him.
In Prokofiev’s original “Peter and the Wolf” story, the wolf is the excuse for the boy’s innocent wickedness. In the beautiful wordless stop-motion version by Suzie Templeton, one of the references of this show, the emphasis is placed on Pedro’s density and the way he transforms, overcomes, and discovers his courage in saving the wolf that ate his best friend.
This revealing of the non-linearity of things is the common thread of “Lobos de Pedra”. Using puppets and a mobile scenic device, we seek to give space and body to a journey into your heart, where wolves live.
The set is an island of sheets and wood suspended on stilts on an “aquatic” surface. A space made of many layers and hiding places that allow for the game and the entering and leaving of various emotional states of Pedro and his different wolves. Sometimes predators, sometimes prey. Sometimes black and stormy wolves, sometimes white and angelic. And sometimes they mix in gradations of grey.
Artistic Info
Artistic direction and manipulation: Sandra Neves
Original music: Carlos Adolfo
Text: Ricardo Alves
Set design: Sandra Neves and Miguel Cantante
Auditorium-tent: Miguel Cantante
Light design: Mariana Figueroa
Video: Patrícia Viana Almeida
External eye: Patrick Murys
Voice off: Rita Cantante
Production direction: Ana Carvalhosa
Production: Joana Alves
Light and sound operation: Francisco Alves
Co-production and production: Teatro Municipal do Porto and CRL – Central Elétrica