With Poliana Lima
24 February, 7 pm to 10 pm and 25 & 26 February, 2 pm to 5 pm
Central Elétrica, Porto
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Poliana Lima, choreographer and dancer, presents at Central Elétrica a laboratory where the body and its movement will be studied from its inherent aspects, namely the shape of the body (its anatomy and its systems), weight and its possible flows (densities), the relationship with space and the relationship with time. We took, as a reference for this laboratory, the books “Poéticas da Dança Contemporânea” by Laurance Louppe and “O Corpo Sensível” by David Le Breton. Through specific movement patterns that frame precisely where to focus their attention, participants will be guided to explore and (re)discover the possibilities of movement their body offers, based on their sensations and proprioception.
In each session, and depending on its duration, we will focus on one or two aspects of the movement mentioned in the previous paragraph. The laboratory format allows enough time for the given orientations so that the participants can really transform their mindset – “mental organization”. When approaching the movement: leaving the usual efficient execution mode, which seeks perfection from a model to be reproduced and imitated, in a true research mode: a form of intense attention, deeply anchored in the physical experience and which implies launching the body in the experience without having conclusions and/or previous images to which to adapt its movement. Poliana conceives the idea of investigating as “not knowing in advance” and this laboratory aims to cultivate and expand this other way of living the movement.
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